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Monday, 6 June 2011


Hello there viewer of my bloggity.
So recently I have finally been persuaded by my ever nagging friends to finally purchase the PC game of Minecraft.
For those of you reading this and thinking "well shave my back and call me an elf, he's finally hit rock bottom.." I reply to you... yes..yes I have =(
I have been playing the game for just over a week now ( when not at work, studying or taking exams) and have raked up a grand total of 1day and 56 minutes of gameplay.
And for those of you reading this and wondering what the hell it is.. well in about a sentence, it is a basic game where the world is made of squares and the possibilities are endless.. yep, just like recycling but without leaving your computer screen or actually 'helping' the environment. (i placed quotation marks on helping due to personal thoughts on recycling)

I find myself becoming more and more addicted to the game every time I play, with new ideas streaming through my train of thought. And if it wasnt for those blasted Creepers (green things that sizzle and explode-->)I would have achieved much more.

I have spent most of my gameplay hours on the multiplayer version of the game on my friends server in which was started around a year ago and in all honesty hasn't progressed very far in that year.
Now after the 'noob period' of having no idea how to play the game and just destroying my friends things for sheer amusement I have finally started to mine and create some beginner creations, such as a house and a watch tower.

Anyways I created this post purely to allow you all to know what Ive been up to over the past week or two and would also like to let you guys and girlie's know that future posts may appear purely based on my Minecraft creations.
For now they are being kept a secret but I shall allow you a clue for each of my projects..
Project 1) Soccer?
Project 2) Little Big Planet?
Project 3) A childhood game?
Project 4) A Police box? ;)

These projects wll take time, project one is already under way, but I shall not let them get in the way of posting my ever delightfuly meaningless blogs.

For now.. ADIOS!